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Keeping it simple for folks that just want fresh salad fixings washed and ready. Lettuce, spinach, arugula and more. Cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, radishes and things that toss well into a salad. Exclusive and unique seasonal herbal vinegars and pickled items. 12 deliveries valued at 25.00 each, see delivery information for more details. 

Quick and Easy Salad Lovers Share

  • Hillsdale County is typically  The area between 127, US12, Edon Rd and Territorial. Delivery is Saturday mornings: May 11th and 25th, June 8th and 22nd, July 6th and 20th, August 3rd and 17th, September 14th and 28th, October 12th and 26th.

    The Commerce route covers Brooklyn, Clinton, Saline Commerce and Milford. US 12 to Commerce delivery isWednesdays: May 15th and 29th, June 12th and 26th, July 10th and 24th, August 7th and 28th, September 4th and 18th, October 2nd and 16th.

    We ask that you keep a large cooler with a couple of ice packs in it on your porch, or similar area in case you are not home when we deliver. We deliver in reusable packaging. Once the delivery cycle starts, you can leave the emply containers in the cooler for pick up the next week. 

    We would be happy to discuss pick up points if you are out of our delivery range!

  • We, the farmers, wish to provide you, the member, with fresh, local, seasonal food and you wish to receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitments to that relationship.


    Becoming a part of Our Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a relationship between our farm and you as our customer. Rather than simply purchasing food, our customers become "members of this CSA farm collaboration who receive a portion of the farm's harvest. Our CSA runs from May until October, with 12 bi weekly deliveries. We promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each delivery. The quantity of produce, however, may vary from pick to pick due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining our CSA, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members. In the unlikely event of a crop failure, our procedure is as follows: If only a small portion of crops fail, we compensate for the failed crops by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. We typically cover for a crop loss by networking

    with other local farmers with the same certifications as our farm. Between two farms, a 3000 square foot greenhouse, and backup gardens, we have always been able to cover our obligations and then some. We sometimes sell our surplus at our farm stand or at events, but rest assured, you, the shareholder, get the first and very best of our harvest.


    You, the Member, are responsible for having a large cooler with ice packs for us to place your share of freshly harvested produce/meats/goods etc. at your delivery time and location. The produce will have an average value of your share cost divided by 12, a little less at the beginning of the season, more during peak season. 


    We deliver in reusable containers that we rotate throughout the season, return the previous week's boxes every time by placing them in or near the cooler. 


    In case of emergency or vacation, you must arrange for someone else to pick it

    up for you. In some cases vacationers would gift the share to a close by neighbor. If that's the case let us know ahead of time so we can reroute.  


    We take the safety of your food seriously. For your added protection, wash all produce before eating, even when we say it's washed, wash it! Put frozen products in the freezer as soon as possible.


    Our farms follow regenerative practices and are "beyond organic." Regenerative agriculture means that we are reducing the use of tillage equipment, pesticides, commercial fertilizers, and water by installing conservation practices such as cover crops, rain water retention ponds and animals as our soil builders.Our farming methods protect and improve the soil, biodiversity, climate resilience and water resources. All of this helps prevent land degradation and deforestation. We are very proud of our forest at Rebel Farm, as it produces bountiful harvests of Maple Syrup and Paw Paw each season, We also have three Soil Health Engineers, "Ferti", "Lizer and "Mac," cows whose 24 hours a day 7 days a week job is to ensure they are adding the perfect nutrients in the most natural of ways. Our Premium Pastured Protien produces

    organic eggs, chicken, and turkey from healthy, tree range birds. Laying hens are pastured year round and broilers (meat chickens) and turkeys are pastured from April through November. All birds from our "Laughing Flock' are fed high quality, local nonGMO and organically produced whole grains; absolutely no GMO'S, by-products, or medications of any kind. For the best quality and utmost safety, meat is processed in a small, family owned, state inspected facility. Poultry shareholders can expect a variety of pastured poultry products including farm fresh eggs and specialty egg noodles; chicken whole and/or cuts such as breasts, thighs, or the occasional ground chicken); ground turkey, and new this year, Person Farms ground beef and pork selections. As a shareholder you are welcome to visit the farm and see for yourself, we may put you to work if you hang around long enough. We want you to feel like you are a part of these two farms. Rebel Farm recently became MAEAP verified in Famstead Systems and in Forest and Wetland Systems as well as Cropping and Livestock. The Laughing Flock (aka Ransom Chicken Lady) is MAEAP Verified in the Livestock, Cropping, and Farmstead Systems as well. Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program assures our customers that we represent the highest standards of environmental stewardship and the pinnacle of responsible agriculture. We are proud and like to show it off!


    By selling membership in advance of the growing season, a CSA reduces the burden of up-front costs and operating for the farmer. Your membership fees provide us, the farmers, with money to purchase seed, supplies, animal feed and equipment to grow your produce, meats, and goods before the season starts and we appreciate your commitment!


    All share payments are non-refundable. This is your share agreement and receipt. Welcome aboard!! We are so excited to grow your food. Allison Grimm and Suzie Lietz


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